Monday, October 25, 2010

The Swam Maiden by Heather Tomlinson

Heather Tomlinson
The Swan Maiden

Doucette, the third daughter of a Lord is the sister of two swan maidens, and though she dreams of having her own swan skin and flying with them, learning magic from her aunt, and being in charge of her own life, she must run the castle household. Her dreams of flying is only that—until the day she discovers her own hidden birthright kept secret by her own parents. Doucette becomes faces with many decisions and her weak character changes and shapes into who she was truly meant to become, but will it be enough to keep the one she loves?

Pgs 304
Fairytale Fantasy
Young Adult
Interest Level 12+

-This is a quick read, with easy text.
-Full of beautiful language and easy description.
-The development of character is beautiful and real. Readers want what is good/best for Doucette, but they are also frustrated with her at times, making the ending more powerful.
-This is a fairytale romance, boys may not enjoy.
-Had the potential to be an epic tail, but is a good read as is.

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